The Department of Transport Learnerships is a program designed to provide young South Africans with the necessary skills and experience to enter the transportation industry. Learnerships are a form of vocational training that combines on-the-job learning with theoretical instruction, and they are aimed at increasing employment and job creation in the country.

The Department of Transport offers a range of learnerships, including those in maritime studies, aviation, and road transport. These learnerships are available to individuals who meet the eligibility criteria, including having a valid South African ID and a minimum of a Grade 12 qualification. The learnerships are offered in partnership with accredited training providers, who provide the necessary training and assessment services.


Nursing Learnership 2023 Application.

FNB Hiring Admin with Grade 12

Sa Ambulance and Emergency Care Learnership

The maritime studies learnership is aimed at individuals who want to pursue a career in the maritime industry. The program offers a range of theoretical and practical training, including seamanship, navigation, and engineering. Participants will also be required to undertake a period of on-the-job training on a vessel. The learnership is designed to prepare individuals for a variety of roles in the maritime industry, including as deckhands, engineering officers, and navigators.

The aviation learnership is aimed at individuals who want to work in the aviation industry. The program provides theoretical and practical training in a range of aviation-related disciplines, including aviation law, meteorology, and aircraft maintenance. Participants will also be required to undertake on-the-job training, which may include working at an airport or an aviation company. The learnership is designed to prepare individuals for a variety of roles in the aviation industry, including as pilots, air traffic controllers, and aircraft maintenance technicians.

The road transport learnership is aimed at individuals who want to work in the road transport industry. The program provides theoretical and practical training in a range of road transport-related disciplines, including vehicle maintenance, logistics, and transport management. Participants will also be required to undertake on-the-job training, which may include working at a transport company or a logistics company. The learnership is designed to prepare individuals for a variety of roles in the road transport industry, including as truck drivers, transport managers, and logistics coordinators.

The Department of Transport Learnerships are an excellent opportunity for young South Africans who are interested in pursuing a career in the transportation industry. The program provides participants with the necessary skills and experience to enter the industry, and it offers a range of benefits, including a stipend, on-the-job training, and the possibility of permanent employment upon completion. By participating in a Department of Transport Learnership, individuals can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a successful career in the transportation industry, which is a vital sector of the South African economy.


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