Correctional Services Learnership 2023- 2024
About the Correctional Services Learnership
Every time the South African Department of Correctional Services( DCS) offers people from different communities the Correctional Services learnership occasion. These learnerships form part of the government’s National Chops Development Strategy to produce chops and ease poverty and severance.
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DCS Learnerships are open to those with the necessary qualifications needed to study for the farther Education and Training( FET) Certificate in the Corrections Services Learnership( NQF Level 4).
The learnership consists of both theoretical and practical training in how to contribute to the recuperation of captures.
As a trainee, you’ll be tutored how to do this via correction and mortal development inhuman, secure and safe detention or under community- grounded corrective supervision.
This Correction Services Learnership will give you the occasion to learn the chops and gain the knowledge, respectable plant geste
, and station that’s needed in the corrective services. Learners will earn a paycheck of R3 500 per month for the duration of the learnership.
Correctional Services Learnership Conditions
There are certain conditions for being accepted into this learnership
minimal Conditions
You must be a South African citizen
You must be in possession of a Standard 10/ Grade 12 Certificate; or
Be in possession of a farther Education and Training Certificate NQF( Level 4); or
Have successfully completed the National Certificate in Vocational Studies( NQF position 4)
rearmost Government Learnerships
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Other Conditions
You must be between the periods of 21 and 35 times
aspirants mustn’t have a felonious record( if you have a felonious case pending against you, you must give all the details when applying.)
You need to have a strong character
Preference will be given to aspirants who have fresh qualifications similar as a Trade or Occupational- grounded Certificate, Diploma, or Degree related to Security/ Corrections.
Any similar fresh qualifications won’t be considered in the payment of the paycheck paid to learners during the learnership or for farther payment/ pay envelope purposes.
The FET Certificate in Corrections Services Learnership in DCS
This is issues- grounded literacy, and the learnership is grounded on a fairly binding contract between the learner, the employer, and the service provider.
The Learnership Programme is for a period of one time( 12 months) and consists of
About 30 of the training will correspond of proposition. This educational training will take place at an accredited DCS council that will be specified by the Department.
Theoretical training will include ferocious instruction on arms, tone- defense and physical training.
This training is mandatory and means that you’ll stay at the Training College on a full- time base.
Successful aspirants admit free accommodation, refections, a livery( field wear and tear and a tracksuit), and all training accoutrements during the training period.
Plant Training
The remaining 70 of the training will be practical plant( on the- job) training which will take place at the Correctional and Social Reintegration Centres/ Units.
This part of the training will include duties connected to the recuperation and provision of security to malefactors.
Learners continue to admit a month.